The Miracle of Fasting

Paul Bragg, the author of “The Miracle of Fasting” was a pioneer of educating the public about the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of fasting.

Bragg, along with Herbert Shelton who wrote “Fasting Can Save Your Life” contributed a great deal to our knowledge and understanding of abstaining from food for extended periods of time. Short fasts lasting up to several days are generally considered to be safe. But if you wish to undertake it with the supervision of medical professionals, there are clinics you can go to like True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, California.

The most important aspect of a fast is to undertake it without fanfare, allowing ample time to be alone, restful and quiet with as much fresh air as possible. Find a quiet spot in nature, or a local park. Or simply sit by an open window in your favorite room. In these conditions, fasting will enhance your ability to sense that ‘still, small voice’ within and deepen your sense of self and your place in the world.


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