The Flowering Wand of Masculinity

The fascinating thing about The Flowering Wand, the book by author Sophie Strand, is the fact that it is a woman who is endeavoring to help ‘rewild the sacred masculine’. And thank goodness. Our views of the ‘sacred masculine’ are enhanced by her contribution.

Sophie, who for a long time has been living with a degenerative disease which threatens her life, writes with the gravity and wisdom of a person who has learned to live with death as a close companion. Her point of view is fresh, and the stories are unexpected. For those who are not familiar with Greco-Roman mythological stories and figures, it is an education. For those who are, it provides a new way to view the myths and stories, even as they express themselves today. Most importantly, she addresses the burning question: “What can I do to contribute to a world that has gone so far off course?” Her answer? Much like you would give a probiotic with ‘good’ bacteria to overwhelm a sick person’s ‘bad’ bacteria, we ourselves can become probiotics for the world.

So called evil forces will never be eradicated. But if more voices for fairness and justice come forth and contribute their energy to the global ‘conversation’, they can increasingly outnumber those that wish to put the values of fame and greed above compassion and human need. We need to start caring for our own, and Sophie is successfully adding her probiotic to this ailing world.

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